It's week 4!

Here's the video tutorial showing this whole basic technique!
Once I'm done laying out the blocks into a stack, I'll gather up the top layer of each column on the top block and move them to the sewing machine, remembering which little stack is which.
Here we go! I take stacks from column one and two and sew the top squares together from each. I don't cut the threads after I'm done. I take the next squares from columns one and two stacks and sew those together as well. I continue through those two stacks until the bottom and then cut the threads.
Then, I bring over the stack from column 3 and continue sewing them to their corresponding squares I sewed on from column two.
You see a little closer how this is done. Continue with column four once you are done with column three.
Chain piecing is so addicting and I promise it will make piecing so much quicker! After you're done with chaining together the block, you can sew the rows together. As you sew the rows together, clip the little connecting threads between the rows that were created from chain piecing.
So excited to see more of your pretty blocks this week!